Lady Victoria was of the opinion that this guy had to be punished and humiliated. She did it because she did not want to let him think that he was the shit when he was not. She had to make sure that he learned his lesson and so she had him wear a penis lock and he was dominated as well as humiliated as she did that to him. She even recorded it.
Princess Kitty wanted to try chaste femdom and she had to get someone she did not care about for it. She chose to do it in the way in which it had to be done and that is why she made sure that she had him wear a chastity device. He was in pain as she made fun of him and as she teased him to make it even more painful.
This mistress does not like to use let people get away with mistakes. She prefers to teach them a lesson so that they will be in a better position to change. That is why she went out of her way to degrade this loser and do it with her chastity femdom. She had him wear a chastity device and she used it to dominate him and grind on his dick and balls until he agreed to always abide by her rules and instructions.
Mistress Valentina was bored and she wanted to find a way to deal with her boredom. She searched for what to do and she settled on using her chastity femdom to do it. She felt that it would give her what she wanted and that is why she did it on this loser. She had a great time torturing him and recording as she did it. He cried and begged her to stop but she did not.
Mistress Anni needed to find a way to get her way. She had tried to reason out with this guy but she could not get anywhere with him. She asked the guy to do what she wanted but he did not even want to discuss it so she had to come up with a way to get her way. That is why she turned him into a chastity slave and she had him wear a chastity device. It did not take long for her to get her way.
Missy Van Licks was out to punish and she did not hesitate to do so. She had an issue with this guy and she made sure that the issue was sorted out as soon as possible. That is why the mistress had to teach the guy a lesson and make sure that he was not only remorseful, but also that he would never do it again. She enlisted the help of her friend to dominate him with chastity femdom.
Lady Despina did not like how much of an asshole this guy was. He was always disturbing her and her friend and they felt that they had to stop it and scare him. So they did this with their chastity fetish and they cruelly forced the guy to wear it. He lost control of his dick and he was scared shitless. He never bothered them again after they let him go.
Mistress Ava was about to travel for work and she did not want to keep worrying about her man being faithful. She had to cage his dick and she did it without even asking him. She teased him, had him get naked and in no time, she had the cock lock on him and she hid the chastity keys. He could not use his dick for anything other than peeing until she was back.
Mistress Alessa was hired to make this this guy stop cheating. He was addicted to it and she had to step in and control him and his urge to cheat. So she had him wear a cock lock and she ensured that only his woman had the key and she controlled whenever she wanted him to use his dick for sex, which was with her and no one else. He only had access to his pee hole when she was not around.
This guy thought that he would get the chance to fuck this mistress but the mistress had other ideas. The mistress wanted him to wear the chastity device and when he was done, she would then tease him and have him get hurt by the things that she did. He was shocked at how painful the thing he had worn was. She laughed at him and at his naivety but it was all done.